Privacy Policy

PCC UK are committed to protecting your privacy, we use the information we collect from your online experience
here to process enquiries. We will only use the information we collect about you lawfully
(in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679).
Please read on if you wish to learn more about our privacy policy.

What information do we collect?
When you enquire, we need to know your name, company address, e-mail address and contact number if required.
This allows us to process the request and reply back to you.

How do we protect your information?
The personal information which we hold will be held securely in accordance with our internal security policy.

Do we use cookies?
Yes, we use cookies to enable a better online experience. Cookies are small pieces of information (small text files) stored locally
on your computer or smart device by your browser. We use cookies to enable you to hold the content of your browsing between visits,
to keep you logged into members’ area or to remember you when you come back to our website.
We do not store any personal identifying information in these cookies at all, not even in an encrypted form.

Will we sell your information?
PCC UK does not sell any information about their customers, it’s as simple as that.
We will not forward your details on to any third party at any time.

Director: A.W.Wilson, VAT Registration No: GB 447 2454 85, Registered in UK No: 15007089
Registered Office: PCC UK House, 8 Grenada Close, Whitley Lodge, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear, England, NE26 1HP.